
1. What  is Archetypal criticism ? What does the Archetypal critic do?
Ans:-  Archetype = 
                            "A repeating pattern with long lasting historical value"
In literature, characters,images & themes that symbolically embody universal meaning & basic human experience regardless of when or where they live are considered Archetype.

Archetypal critic believe that literature is based on recurring images, characters, narrative design & themes. archetypal critic would suggest that all human experience is connected with literature & this experience is expressed again & again by using the same pattern throughout time & space.  

2. What is Frye trying to prove by giving an analogy of ' Physics to Nature ' and ' Criticism to Literature'

Ans :-  Frye compare the both Physics to Nature and Criticism to Literature.The physics is basically deep study of nature. But the students of physics never say that they study nature they say that they study physics. same In the literature we are not learn the literature but we learn to understand literature, how to read and how to criticise literature so we are not Learn literature but criticise literature.So Literature is equal to Nature and Physics is equal to Criticism. 

3.Mention relation of literature with history and philosophy.

Ans:- The History connected with the myths and Philosophy connected with Morality and ethics. History stands for events and Philosophy is stands for idea. History and Philosophy both are important pillars  of Literature.

4. Briefly explain inductive method with illustration of Shakespeare's Hamlet's Grave Digger's scene.

Ans :- Inductive method means 'example to definition'. 

For example:- grave digger scene in Hamlet movie we clearly see that the sign of grave is not good for play and we see many layers in one scene..
1) the grave digger man see one skull & say that this is skull of tailor,
2) pans to soliloquies of Dance Of Macabre.
3) philosophical relationship., 

5.  Briefly explain deductive method with reference to an analogy to Music, Painting, rhythm and pattern. Give examples of the outcome of deductive method.
Ans:-Deductive method means ‘definition to examples’. As the thinkable point that some arts move in time and others are in space.

For example:- music related with time and painting with space. And music with rhythm and painting with pattern but we may also speak rhythm of painting and pattern of music. And literature seems to between music and painting. So we may call the rhythm of literature is narrative and pattern is the verbal structure.

6. Refer to the Indian seasonal grid (below). If you can, please read small Gujarati or Hindi or English poem from the archetypal approach and apply Indian seasonal grid in the interpretation.



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