
Ferdinand De Saussure :- 

                       sign  = signifier + signified             
The basic idea behind structuralism is that individual and collective behaviors emerge from some underlying structure. With Saussure and the linguists, the structure is an abstract system of interrelated concepts. structuralism focused on structure & basic elements of mind.

  • Everything in this world/universe is a structure.
  • Everything connected to another thing.
  • Each & every word connected with another word.
the whole novel made up so many sentences and sentence made up with so many words .if you want understand novel. first you understand words than sentence than paragraph than the novel. 

for example :- 
        when i say Bullet than you start imagination in your mind that " what is Bullet ?"
        if you love Bullets of gun than you imagine photo of Bullets gun in your mind. 

                      If you love Royal Enfiled "Bullet" than you imagine about two wheels.

                        Signifier  = Bullet
                        Signified = The imagination of you mind when you listen about Bullet

example 2 :- if we told to small child that Red = Yellow & Pink = Green so they believe                               that Red =  Yellow & Pink = Green because we use this again and again.

In structuralism we understand link between Signfier and Signified if we understand this concept than you understand language.

                       " Relationship Between Signifier and Signified Is Arbitrary."


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