This blog is part of my Pre-task on Edgar Allan Poe's story. He was famous for his short story.

Edgar Allan Poe was an American writer, editor, and literary critic. Poe is best known for his poetry and short stories, particularly his tales of mystery and the macabre.  

In this blog I try to answer the question asked by Dr. Jay Mehta. Who will going teach us this story of Poe.

1. Read the first Gujarati story and listen to the audio recitation of the second story. Observe how the two wordsmiths work wonders through words! 

here we talk about 2 stories:- 
1.માનસંધ (Mansang) by Dr. Jaynt khatri
2.પાનકોર ડોશી (Pankor Doshi) by zaverchand Meghani. 

In the both The story we found that form The very beginning we see that the both the story starts with the night.  In the first story author clearly say that it is very dark night. In the second story poetry talks about the night which is very dark as well as he also say that for the village all night in last ten years are same.  Even in the second story he uses line where he say 
" ગામ પર બિહામણી રાત જમ
જમ અંધારું વરસાવતી ‌‌‌‌હતી."‌ 
using of this type of sentences gives more tension or we can say horror feeling.  

2. List out various adjectives that contribute the most in creating the "pre-established design" or effect that the author intended to create.

In the first story માનસંધ he use word like અંધારી for night even he explained that the night was too dark that he won't  able to see the other people. Further he explains about the crying of dog. Which in Indian Myth use for something bad.

In the second story author also use same thing about the crying of dog and for night he use adjective like
બીહામણિ. And also discribe the dog's eating of donkey that is very scery. 

3. Which are the phrases you find frightening? How are they placed in the text?

When we read the first story માનસંઘ  we see that when they were talk about the કરમસી  at that time  જીવરામ  use the phrases like "‌ થવા કાળ હતું તે થયું.' this indicate that something bad has happened. And after this  they tell the story of karmshi that everyone in his family has died after working there. 

4. Can you find out any other lexical varieties such as figures of speech like simile, metaphor, personification etc? Briefly explain their significance in the story.

In the first story author compare the voice of person with the voice of water. "પાણી‌‌ ભરેલી ગાગર ઢલવીએને અવાજ થાય એવો નિરસ, જાડો, ખોખરો અવાજ" then he also compare the tears with the tide of sea. "  આંસુના દરિયાની કંઇક ભરતી હતી જાણે

In the second story also we found same kind of things. In this author compare hair with the feathers. " શાહુડીનાં પીંછા પેઢે વાળ ઊભા."

5. What is the impact of listening  to the stories on your mind? Which Rasas/emotions erupt in you during and after the reading/listening sessions?

When I read the first story I feel horror and also feel astonishment when the truth of માનસંગ  reveal. That by look how we judge the people and what actually there is truth about the person.

When the second story start at that time I feel scare And then I when the story of pankor began at that time I feel horror but when the whole story of her complete at that time I feel sympathy for her.


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