Thinking Activity :- Education and Technology


David crystal talk about how new technologies effect on English language. He talk about newspaper, telephone and other things people cannot believe that we can talk to other people with help of telephone. 

                                                    Broadcast = Brainwash

People believe that broadcast means internet brainwashing the mind of people. Nowadays people use social media for learning English language and people also use Radio, commentary in sports for learning English language. David talk about social network.people live with technology on weekends say that technology is a part of family. Talk about Google and Gmail. 15th century saying Printing is a terrible thing.

Texting messaging special is a disaster for the English language. New abbreviations that have come into peoples language for example :- "Lol" average number of people that using abbreviations in a daily 10% and other 90% of the language we use in standard English. 

The biggest challenge for English language teacher in the time of internet and he said that language is changing so fast and he give two reasons 

1. Internet :- Language is moving faster and teachers have got to keep pace. David says that your(student) language is different than your teachers because of generation gape. 

2. Globalization of English:- 


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