How Native is represent by Colonizers

Colonizer & Colonized

  • Colonizers believed in spreading their education and religion because of the belief that it was superior, and also from the their idea that the English way of life was the best and only way of life. All other forms were regarded ad unholy and less advanced/inferior. 

  •  The natives were very different from the English and their way of life was completely different, because for the first time they had only just come into contact with people outside of the Americas, and so there was no relation between the cultures at all. Unlike in Africa and Asia where trade had been established for years and connections had been made for centuries before colonization took place.

Let's we understand Colonizer and Colonized with help of Robinson Crusoe Novel by Daniel Defoe

In Robinson Crusoe we say the relationship between the colonizer and colonized means relationship between Robinson Crusoe and his servant Friday. First, Robinson saves Friday from being killed and then Robinson chooses name is servant 'Friday". The name also shows the western culture.

Robinson make new identity of his servant and he erased for identity of Friday. He dresses Friday in new clothes and teach him English language. We see that how colonizer (Robinson Crusoe) established is culture, language and religion on Friday(colonized).

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