Web Quest activity on Harry Potter 3

This blog is part of my web quest activity. To know about it please click here.
To view argument on first and second topic please click here.

3. The discourse of power and politics in Harry Potter: 

When we see Harry Potter we realized that in this also we find the power politics.

The first article is titled as, " The Politics of Harry Potter: Corrupt Law and Totalitarian Government. "  The author of the article is Samantha Love. In this article author compare our parliament with Harry Potter's ministry of magic. And says that, 

 "In JK Rowling’s famous books, the Ministry of Magic has an incredible amount of power with very few ways of ensuring it is used properly."

 The author further add that, ' It is a good study in how not to organise a state, and it’s through using examples from the series that we can really begin to understand how important it is that executive and legislative power is controlled by and accountable to the people.' 

Please click here to view full article. 

The second article is titled as, " Harry Potter and riddles of political ideology."  Author of the article is Cynthia Perri. In this article author first talk about the language of politics. Author further say that the reason to Study Harry Potter from political perspective is, 

"The Ministry is similar to the structure of Anglo-American governments with its executive and judicial branches but there is little mention of a legislative branch. " 

So to read Harry Potter from political perspective is become significant.

Please click here to view full article.

The third article is titled as, " “There is only power”: Surveying the Structures and Operations of Power in the Magical World of Harry Potter ".  The author of  the article is Aaron D. Marciniak.  As its title suggest that in world what is important is power. That is way he say that there is only power. He says that Harry Potter's main plot suggest his ideological and political conflicts with wizarding world.

Please click here to view full article.

4. Children' s Literature and Harry Potter:

As we all know that Harry Potter is all time favorite of children. Also it is one of the most remarkable part of children's Literature. Here are the three article I have taken for this topic.

The first article is titled as, The 'Harry Potter effect': How seven books changed the face of children's publishing". The author of the article is Eliza Buzacott. In her article she argue that before Harry Potter no body wants to touch fantasy stories it is considered as old fashioned. She also said that now fantasy is become dominant genere in children's literature. She also says that, 

"One reason why it is a phenomenon is because it could take them through so much of their lives in a way most other books for children and young people can't."

 In this we are that in every book character become bit more mature and problem become bit more complicated.

Please click here to view full article.

The second article is titled as,

" Has Harry Potter made the trend for longer children’s books fly?" The author of the article is Alison Flood. In this article author takes the argument from the Cooper and say that in children Literature, 

Authors are building another world. Readers of fantasy want to get lost in those worlds.”

Author says that action packed chapter able to maintain children's attention more.

Please click here to view full article.

The third article is titled as,  "why do kids believe in God ? But not in Harry Potter."  The lory Hough is the author of this article. In this article author say that children learn things unconsciously. He further added that children don't believe about Harry Potter because they know that this is fantasy which is not real.  At least he says that, 

"children accept information that runs counter to their own ideas."

Please click here to view full article. 

5. Theme of Love and death: 

Theme of love and death is one of the most important theme. This thing we can see through out in novel.  J. K. Rowling by her self in one of the interview said that ,

" My books are largely about death." 

The first article is titled as "Love and death in Harry Potter."  The author of the article is Paul Spilsbury. While talking about the theme of love and death he first talk about what she said in interview. That I have already mentioned. Further he talks about the theme of love and how power of love is only thing that can save Harry's life. That thing we can see in Harry's Potter and Half Blood prince. Where Prof. Dumbledore believe that,

Harry that his “ability to love” is “[t]he only protection that can possibly work against the lure of power like Voldemort’s.” 

 Further in the article he talked about how Death has played important role in Harry's life. Also mentioned name of people who died in order to save Harry's life. Also same manner he talked about the human love depicted in books. The love of parents for children, love husband for wife, love of friends. Also he say that any of this requires supreme sacrifice.

Please click here to view full article. 

The second article is titled as, "Master of Death: Love and Spirituality in the Harry Potter Series." The author of the article is Jhannah Katherine Park. First she talked about how Literature of 18th century is different then Literature of 20th century. How in 18th century Children's literature talk about fairy tales and how 20th century literature talks about violence. Also it shows that how Harry's Potter has played it's role in this. 

It also explain that how J. K. Rowling  shows that,  

life is not about conquering death, but rather about living fully through love. If this is done, death is not a punishment, and one’s soul can live on. " 

She also explain that how Voldemort don't believe in this and kill his own soul several time.

Please click here to view full article.

 The third article is titled as,Life(and)death in "Harry Potter": The Immortality of Love and Soul" . The author of the article is  ANDREA STOJILKOV. She in her article talks about how death has played import role. She also said that, 

" Fear of death is is probably the ultimate emotion human being can experience."

She also say that may be this is the reason that Voldemort don't want to die. And he kill his own soul to make Horcrux.  

Please click here to view full article. 


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