Analysis Of Victorian Age

Analysis Of Victorian Age

Historical Background:-

england was moving steadily in the direction or way of become europe most stable and unstable and prosperous country, the industrial revolution and the railway age, steam engine was being use in mine, factories & ships. small town was beginning to into smoky centre of manufacturing industry. all this was taking place under a government & legislature that was still narrowly restricted to the privileged few, who was wealthy by birth or becoming wealthy on commerce, despite the industrial revolution and the factories, mill, mine & workshops, of england was still and almost entirely agricultural country, the english country side were  part of everyone existence and the industrial revolution however were just beginning to bring dirt & squalor and ugliness & crime, into the live of the poor and middle class whom circumstance force to live and work on the mills factories of new towns and villages. labourers was being unfairly treat without redresses, women’s worker was also ill-treat & underpaid and while children’s was often over worked on abominable conditions. society in this country was still effectively feudal and a small agricultural community was still more or less and less or more governed by landlord or and lord of the manor to whom rents was paid by tenants of farms or cottage. no one else on the rural life and rural community had much authority except for local parson and or to a lesser extent an apothecary and surgeon.

victorian literature/age is literature mainly written in english during the reign of queen victoria (1837–1901) (the victorian era). it was preceded by romanticism and followed by the edwardian era (1901–1910). victorian era is name after victoria queen who became a queen 1837 at the age of 18 & ruled for 68 years until her death in 1901. so the period from 1837 to 1901 is called victorian era.

Victorian Literature Characteristics:-

·         serialization, it can be daunting to pick up a victorian novel,
·         industrialization, okay, so "industrialization" might sound more like economic development than literary history,
·         class, the victorians were super status conscious,
·         science vs religion,
·         progress,
·         nostalgia
·         the woman question,
·         utilitarianism.

victorian age was the great era of the english novel and literature realistic,, thickly plotted,. crowded with so many characters, & long. it was ideal form too described present tine and life and to entertain the middle class peoples. the novels of charles dickens,, full to overflowing with drama, humor, and an endless variety of so many vivid characters & plot complication, nonetheless spared nothing on their portrayal of urban life was like for all classes people. william makepeace ‘thackeray’ is  the best known for vanity fair (1848) wickedly satirize hypocrisy & greed.
emily bronte single novel, wuthering heights (1847) is  unique masterpiece propel by the vision on elemental passion but and but control by aon uncompromising artistic sense and sensibility. the fine novel of emily sisters charlotte bronte especially jane eyre (1847) & villette (1853) both are more rooted in conventions but daring on their own ways and selection. the novel of george eliot mary ann evan appear during the 1861s & 70, a woman of great edition & moral fervor. eliot was concerned with ethical conflict & social problem, george meredith produce comic novel note on their psychological perception and another novelist of the late 19th century. he was the prolific anthony trollope famous for sequences of relate novel that explore social ecclesiastical & political life in this era.
thomas hardy pessimistic novel are all set iin the harsh punishing midland county he called wessex. samuel butler produce novel satirizing the victorian ethos & robert louis stevenson a master of his craft and wrote arresting adventure and children's verse, the mathematician charles lutwidge dodgson, wrote under the name lewis carroll. produce the complex& sophisticate children classics alice's adventures in wonderland in1865 &through the looking glass in 1871, lesser novelist on considerable merry include benjamin disraeli, george gissing, elizabeth gaskell, a& wilkie collin. by the and of the period/era/age, the novels was considere not only the premier form of entertainment and analysis but also a primary meaning of analyzing and analytion offering solution to social and political problem.

The Industrial Revolution:-

the industrial revolution is  process that began on the middle of the 18  century & covers a wided era of more than a century. britain became for the first time richest country in the world,.but at the price of being  human the first to encounter the immense social problem  that arise from the rapidly development on urban industrys. transported and in the 16 century the rare of the road was on charged of the country parishe,, under the supervision on the magistrate, but work was neglected and in the second half of the 17 century the turnpike systems swass introduce too transfed the cost of road and road repair repairs on to the road users\.  turnpike were barrier  across the road at suitable place, where traveller was compelled pay toll before they was allow to proce. in the second half of the 18 century road wwa immensely improved by the great engineers acadam, who invented the method and pattern of building road surface  front dsidefrom broken stone &telford. who also the great bridge builders. by the and of the century foreign observer acknowledge english road  to the best in europe in that time.

social & political changes through literature:-
britain had emerged from the long war with france in1793-1815 as a great power & as the world´s predominant economy. this new status as the world´s first urban & industrialized society, was responsible for the extraordinary wealthy vitality & self confidence of the period or era. the juxtaposition of this new industrial wealth with a new kind of urban poverty is only one of the paradox that characterize this long & diverse period. the biggest social change in english history is the transfer between 1750 & 1850 of large and masses of the population from the country side to the towns or we can say that small villages the basic social class was transformed from small farmers & rural craftsmen into an urban proletariat & lower middle class of industrial employs and it affected the north of england & part of the midlands far more than the south. the north were push against the conservatism of the south.

Economic & Political Power Of The Middle Class:-

thanks to the industrialization the increasingly powerful middle class became a large & a very rich class. in spite of this the beginning the 19 century and politically speak they were a underprivileged class people. the system of electoral representation in parliament was an ancient one & favoured land society. the middle class people fought hard & victoriously on the first half of the 19 century to secure the political representation to which they was entitle. they was the class portrayed in the novel & to whom the novel were written and thus victorian novelists was inclined to treat the predominance of money with angry satire and we have the arrogant "nouveau rich" merchant such as thackereay´s mr osborne in vanity fair in 1848 & in dickens´s podsnap in our mutual friend in 1865 between the rich middle classes & the worker a very large lower middle class existed, it is member populate the novel of dickens & h.g. wells more than the member of other class. it is bulk was the large and number of small trader brought into existence by the extensive consumer society which the industrial revolution created and at one extreme the lower middle class meet the new kind of skilled worker the engineer & mechanic at the other it met the upper middle class in the retail business on the teaching & medical professions & in banking and the lower middle classes people tended therefore to be the most fluid of all the class. it is were the most unstable on political sympathies & consequently often the decisive section of the society in election, better educated than the average work class man and average working class people it is member help to provided leadership in labour movements.

Change in women´s social role:-

 In the middle of the 18 century. there was a fashionable circle of women intellectuals known as the "Bluestockings" in London led by Mrs. Montagu. At the and of the century so Mary Wollstonecraft in 1759-97, made her well known appeal for women´s education and a Vindication of the Rights and power of Woman in 1792,  Right not recognized until the State Education Acts of 1870 & 1902. Men of letter often had a circle of close womens friend with whom they corresponded Swift and Pope & Richardson & Samuel Johnson. Boarding school for girls like Miss Pinkerton Academy in Thackeray Vanity Fair was being open on increasing number. But the change position of women in society was not altogether to their advantage & this was particularly true of attitudes to the sexual relationship with especially those of Puritanism. The Puritan elevation of marriage & the family into something more sacred was incompatible with a frank acknowledgement of sensuality. The belief come into existence that good woman does not have sexual desire. Since Puritanism was mainly middle class set of code there tend to be cleavage between middle & upper classes in this matter and this time. It is evident in the difference between the upper class Fielding and whose women are natural & the idealized women in Richarson´s novels and plays In the 19 century the predominance of the middle classes cause the Puritan Richardson view to prevail and Women of strong character began to open up profession hitherto close to them and They became writers and journalist and nurses. In industrial area the began to achievement economic independence at a low level as workers and middle class people in factories. The Married Women Property Act of 1882 & 1892 removed the husband´s control over his wife´s money. political change did not take place until after “the First World” War when the 1918 Act allowed women over 30 to votes and Women over 21 had to wait until 1939.


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