Language Lab- Survey

This blog is part of my thinking activity. In this blog we see the Advantages & Disadvantages of Language Lab. This task given by Dr. Dilip Barad, click here for Basic Information about Language Lab.

Advantages of language Lab:

Students learn much faster in the language lab

Practice leads to language learning success! Language labs’ interactive courses help students learn much faster than in a regular classroom setting. The methodology of the classroom language network uses a progressive model to promote natural learning, where students learn the different concepts of language in an intuitive way. The language lab boosts the motivation of students achieving higher levels of language retention and progress.

A language lab is  practical

Learning a new language just by studying the theory is not enough to guarantee a successful language learning experience. Language labs provide practice in an entertaining and interactive way to acquire the 4 main language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students learn more comprehensively through a language lab, using more class time instead to achieve these four main objectives:

    • Self-learning
    • Complimentary
    • Monitoring 
    • Evaluation

Use more resources and varied activities than in a traditional classroom

Language labs allow students to practice the language with a much wider variety of activities and exercises based on the computer. Learning occurs in a structured way, in a real context and visually attractive way that immerses the student in the language learning environment and promotes language use. The students can watch videos, practice their pronunciation through a speech recognizer, learn new vocabulary, and much more.

Students are free for learning

Disadvantages of language Lab:

Pace of change & cost

Not all schools & University can keep up with the rapidly changing technology.
The language lab requires a high cost to be built in the university and to be kept on going. It is very expensive to set up the language lab and country like India there is no lab syllabus and usually language classes are conducted as theory. 
Many teachers believe that using Smart classroom, with internet connectivity and text messaging services, can merely be a source of distraction for students as opposed to a learning tool.
- Need professional Team
- Need powerful network

Learning outcome:
- Self learning 
- Multi Takers
- Difficult to deal with Different Tools & Software

New words

- Veneer
- Xerophthulmla
- Liasion
- Silhouette
- Graffiti
- Debonair
- Aislp
- Bureau
- Wonk
- Gymnasium

Open This Blog link to see what I done in Language Lab

References & Adaptation:


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