PAPER NAME :- The Now Classical Literature
Enrollment no :-2069108420190037


1.)      Sophia western
2.)      Mrs.Bridget Allworthy Blifil
3.)     Jenny Jones/ Mrs.Waters
4.)     Lady Bellaston
5.)     Molly Seagrim
6.)     Mrs.Deborah
7.)     Mrs.Western
8.)     Harriet Fitzpatrick
9.)     Mrs.Miller
10.)   Nancy Miller
11.)   Mrs.Wilkins
12.)   Ms.Susan
13.)   Mrs.Whitefield
14.)   Mrs.Seagrim
15.)   Mrs.Patridge
16.)   Mrs.Honour
17.)   The Nanny
18.)   Betty
19.)   Mrs.Abigail
20.)   Mrs.Arebella

1.)      Sophia western

Sophia Western is Fielding is very beautiful and gorgeous, generous heroine and the daughter of the violent Squire Western. Like Tom, Sophia lavishes gifts on the poor.& she treats people of all classes like middle class and lower class with such respect that one landlady cannot believe she is a "gentlewoman." Sophia manages to reconcile her love for Tom, he duty to her fathe and her hatred for Blifil through her courage. Sophia's natural courtesy can be contrasted with her Aunt Western's artificial manners.

2.)      Mrs.Bridget Allworthy Blifil

          Mr.allworthy is just what his name implies all worthy. The moral yardstick of the novel  Allworthy's only fault  which ironically propels much of the plot is that due to his goodness and he can not hendal the evil in others. Allworthy has a reputation throughout England because of his benevolent, bad nature and  behavior.

3.)     Jenny Jones/ Mrs.Waters

 Jenny Jones /Mrs. Waters is the student of Partridge whom Allworthy banishe for being Tom's mothe at the end of the novel we learn that Jenny is not Tom's mother. Although she protests to Mr. Allworthy at the end of the novel that she has led a virtuous life and her seduction of Tom in suggests otherwise. She marries Parson Supple, a friend of Western. Jenny reappears as Mrs. Waters at Upton, where Tom saves her from a robbery and Jenny does not possess the beauty of a Sophia so her very white breasts attract Tom to her

4.)     Lady Bellaston
Lady Bellaston part in Tom Jones is, frankly, a little bizarre. She is a relative of Sophia's, and Sophia run to her house in London when she is 1 trying to move her father & Mr. Even before they meet at her in person, the fact and reality that Lady Bellaston doesn't believe in father authority is a sign that there is something morally wrong with her. she thinks that Sophia is a simple country and city girl for strating nice to her dad. She believes that Lady Bellaston will take her in because Lady Bellaston has  Sophia in the past time and her about being too obedient to her father.

5.)     Molly Seagrim

Molly is Tom's first love. She is the daughter of black george the gamekeeper & famous in the area for her attractiveness. But the narrator notes that there is something about her that would at lelist  have became  man as well as a woman. Molly is bold and forward. rather than modest & shy.
the biggest difference is that Molly gets pregnant outside of marriage and  while Sophia has to spending much of the novel caught up as a pawn in  condition  between Mr. Blifil Lord Fellamar and Tom for her on marriage withn beautiful woman. Molly is the absolute another side of  of Sophia Western . where Sophia is delicate and feminine and Molly is rough & eveny masculin. Where Sophia is chasteing and carefully in her interactions with men. Molly has at least three sexual partners that we know of: Tom, Mr. Square, and Will Barnes.

6.)     Mrs.Deborah

Mrs. Wilkins & the here just means that meaning she's older and  not that she's married is Squire Allworthy's servant. so She's the one who first takes care of baby Tom when Squire Allworthy finds him wrapped up in his bed. Mr more ideas about  Wilkins resents Allworthy's effect to generous &  thuey he tries to be nice and she agree to say that he could have been nicer and good . The novel gay that it' is  human and human nature for servants for resent  and their employer., so we can say that she makes sense that Mrs. Wilkins  Squire Allworthy in secret  the devil shall wait upon such a gentleman for me.

7.)     Mrs.Western

 Mrs. Western the foil of her brother Squire Western so is a caricature of the artificial city lady who always acts out of expediency. from politics to philosophy to feminism to amour so her she meand  her ignorance reveals itself in numerous societys so she thinks that thry means Socrates lectured to his student instead of engaging in debate. Mrs. Western's  aim sol in the novel to is improve the Western name by nam and marrying  marrying off Sophia to the cool and hansome and richest Mrs. Western prides herself on and adeot ar all being adept all intellectual pursuits. most prosperous and aim ttp foil her just that ideas to finf out all character of tom jones molly and her natue woth other not well so she marry with tom because tom is not by nature and man she can find.

8.)     Harriet Fitzpatrick

sophia ran away from here home to finds Tom at the at Upton.& then decides to travel to London and America and many place to stay with her relative and make a good relations and they they Lady Bellaston.Harriet Fitzpatrick suddenly becomes another side up & Harriet in Sophia's cousin. And Sophia and  of roughly  same toime on age for marriage and she marry with one gay from politics and to philosophy But she manages to find Tom as she's traveling and fine almost would never out to be a bad things and she almost  with him without her father's consent. That would have been a problem, since Squire Western would probably have disinherited her forever, and Squire Allworthy would never  mant sin and almos happing with herhave forgiven Tom. Tom's his own way ro prove that  ways prevent that from happening, which turns out to be a good thing.

9.)     Mrs.Miller

Mrs. Miller is a faithful friend to Tom and the most caring & concerned oof father to Nancy and Betty and subham and monica. Feisty & subtitle non active and active, Mrs. Miller carries through on her promises and becomes Tom's biggest advocate to Allworthy. She is trusting and loyal. gay from politics and to philosophy But she manages to find Tom as so hamle natue change aafter see the ghost of his father  she's traveling and fine almost he not belive in this would never out to be a bad things and she almost  with him without her father's consent.

10.)   Mrs.Seagrim
          Molly is the absolute opposite of Sophia Western deferent 5to another side where Sophia is delicate and feminine when Molly is rough and even bad narue girl. Where Sophia on chaste and see the magic careful in her interactions with men, Molly has at least three sexual partners that we know of: TomMs .  Square & Will Baanners. And of course, the biggest difference is that Molly gets pregnant outside of marriage the society nit accepted this child before marriage, while Sophia has to spend much of the novel caught up as a pawn in a competition between Mr. Blifil, Lord Fellamar, and even Tom for her hand in marriage.

         Mrs.Honour :-
         Mrs. Honour is Sophia's maid and er ability to mingle with ser vants and catch up  om in the andn gossip finish up being useful to her employer: for example is we see that  it's Mrs. Honour who  rol the second but the fisrt time in the mornig that depth to keep known about the meaning of the word and she not known about tome and the cricketer of America she love foolball first hears that Tom is staying at the inn at Upton. But beyond Mrs. Honour's role as a plot device, she does not have much depth as a character. Partridge is a much more complex and (if we may say) realistic character than Mrs. Honour.
Mrs. Honour is a huge chatter box. She just go and  goes oin andin and  and on and in and on and on on. Her dialogue appears at time she and  these huge, blocks in the novel and  paly to find out the meaning og the have to deak with tome anf seemd to subject \get faild in exam and she realis that we have to wonder when she has the time to draw breath. Of course, her talking is mostly gossip about the other characters: not only is Mrs. Honour the one to first reveal Tom's love to Sophia, but she also seems to know that Lady Bellaston keeps a love nest in another neighborhood from her actual house. Mrs. Honour knows a great  with bur real I and fake people bur you nor known about the new nokia phones deal, but you have to sift through a lot of extra information and random commentary to get to any substance

Conclusion :-

We see both types of women characters in this novel, ones with the bad light and with good lightIn this play more than 20 characters.


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