Dryden's Essay on Dramatic Poesy

1) Do you any difference between Aristotle's definition of Tragedy and Dryden’s definition of play?
Ans :-

Aristotle's definition :-
    " Tragedy , then, is an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude; in language embellished with each kind of artistic ornament, the several kinds being found in separate parts of the play ; in the form of action, not of narrative; through pity and fear effecting the proper purgation of these emotions . "

Dryden’s definition :-
  " A play ought to be a just and lively image of human nature, representing its passions and humors and the changes of the fortune to which it is subject , for the delight and instruction of mankind.

Aristotle's definition of tragedy has three parts . First is lovely image of human nature , second is it represents passions and humor and changes of future. And third is its purpose which gives delight and instructions to mankind . Aristotle's tragedy ends with Catharsis whereas Dryden’s play ends with delight and instruction . I can see other difference between Aristotle's and Dryden’s definition that tragedy has sadness end whereas play has pleasure and delightness end. Tragedy creates seriousness whereas play represents humor.

2) If you are supposed to give your personal predilection, would you be on the side of the Ancient or the Modern? Please give reasons. 

  Ans :-   I suppose to give my personal predilection, I would like to be on the side of modern, because ancients have followed the rules and disciplines, and moderns have not only followed or imitated them but also have given something new with the help of new inventions in that era like in science and changes in the social world. 

3) Do you think that the arguments presented in favor of the French plays and against English plays are appropriate?

Ans :- No I think the arguments presented in favor of the French plays and against English plays are not appropriate. Because French following Ancient rules and regulations. Like they believe that death should be not present on the stage it should  only narration. They following time ,place and action. While unity of time suggested that all the action should be portrayed in single day. The setting should be same from begging to end with the same scene .
         The English plays have all kind of places , even far off countries ,shown with the single day. The third unity of action requires that the play " aim at one great and complete action" . But English have all kinds of sub- plots .
  The French plays may be more regular but they are not lively not so pleasant and delightful as that of English. For example: Shakespeare's plays which are more lively and just image of human nature like Hamlet  and Othello. 

4) what would be your preference so far as poetic or prosaic dialogues are concerned in the play? 

Ans - I think both are equal important in the play. Prosaic dialogue helps in understanding the play easily but poetic dialogue is like 'sugar courted ornament'. Which added sweetness in the play. It gives pleasure and delight. When we are using only prosaic dialogue it is helps in understanding to the people but some time it felt boring also. So when we use little bit poetic dialogues it gives pleasure and delight.When we use only poetic dialogues it become sometimes difficult to understand.
         So mixture of both dialogue makes play   understandable and also gives pleasure and delight to readers.


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