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                                   ANALYSIS  OF THE ELIZABETHAN AGE


The Elizabethan age of english history was a remarkable time now coined England's Golden Ara. Queen Elizabeth. from the illustrious Tudor dynasty.reigned for 45 years. During her reign and it was the time of relative and political and stability. exploration, and creativity in which art flourished.
Coming to the throne in 1558 after the violent reign of her Catholic half-sister, Mary I - known infamously as Bloody Mary - Elizabeth worked to heal her land of the violent clashes between Catholics and Protestants. Though Elizabeth honored many of the Protestant reforms set up by her father, King Henry VIII, she also made significant concessions to the Catholics of her realm. In 1559, the Elizabethan Religious Settlement was enacted. In this legislation, Elizabeth was declared the Supreme Governor of the Church of England. This act also allowed for both Protestant and Catholic interpretations of church tradition.
Due to her desire to unite her subjects under one throne, her reign is marked as a time of peace. During this peace, she encouraged self-sufficiency in England through the growth of agriculture and trade. This newfound wealth ushered in England's Golden Age.

Elizabethan Drama :-
the Elizabethan Age come same of the highly,respect play in Western drama. Although it is generally agreed that the period began at the commencement of Queen Elizabeth I is reign in 1558. the ending date is not as definitive. Some consider the age to have ended at the queen's death in 1603, while others place the end of Elizabethan Drama at the closing of the theatres in 1642. Elizabeth I a strong. resolute monarch who returned England to Protestantism and quelled a great deal of internal turmoil. & unified nation. Theatre was a popular pastime& peoples of all walks of life attended. Although women were not allowe onstage, they did attend performances and often made up a substantial part of the audience. The theatre also drew many unsavory character, including pickpocket, cutpurse, and prostitutes. She was also a strong supporter of the art. & this spark a surge of activity in the theatre. During her reign same playwright were able to make a comfortable living by receiving royal patronage. There was a great deal with theatrical activity at Court, & many public theatre were also built on the outskirt of America.  cause of the perceived bad influence of the drama, the Puritan were vocally oppose to them and succeed in shutt theme down in 1642. Some of the most important playwrights come from the Elizabethan age, including William Shakespeare, Jonson & Christopher Marlowe. This playwright ate drama this were pattern in numerous view sources including the Greek tragedy, Seneca's plays, Attic drama, English miracle plays, morality plays, and include. Elizabethan tragedy dealt with this age heroic them and usually centering on a best personality who was distoy by his passion and ambition. The comedys often satiriz the fops and drama in society.
In elizabrthan age there was not much scenery on Elizabethan age. costume was elaborate & their were many prop For example:-  pig bladder full of blood was use for Juliet’s death scene in Romeo and Juliet,All role as playing by man. Sometime actors had too learning as many as six parts at  time. Younger boys and girls laying the female and mens parts. That was why there are few romance scenes on stage.
Elizabethan of plays only did not the Golden Age of England produce lots of wool, it produced some of the most revered plays of all time bsedt and great. This  was Christopher Marlowe and made famous by his play. “The Jew of Malta”. To him  so we can add Thomas Kyd in knowned for his Tragedy tragedy means Spanish tragedy  there's William Shakespeare his name his become synonymous with the word 'plays.' england Golden Age and too highest schools across the globe and he give works like Hamlet  and the tragic Romeo and Juliet.
Elizabeth Golden Age opened  foe them up to  class of society and the art had been enjoyed throughout history. The upper class  the middle-class peoples and the commoners all enjoyed entertainment of the age of Elizabethan age dranma. Just today time the batter the seating  higher the price but admission was available to all peoples.

George Chapman was born in 1559 in the town of Hitchion in Hertfordshire London. He was ssecond son of Thoms & Joan Chapman. Little on known of his early life and except that his attended Oxford in 157.  left before completed his degree from  1583 through 1585. he was in the household of Sir Ralph Sadler although him expected position thier is somewhat clear bur unclear. It seem that Chapman in the military but returned to London prior to 1594. Chapman's earliest drama, The Blind Beggar of Alexandria, was produced in 1596, instead concentrating his efforts on translating the poetry of Homer. Chapman experienced financial troubled through him lifetimes  spent some time on prison, fortune changed a while time in 1603. when they was gave a position on the householder of the king. king undertook sponsorship of the Homer project. & he quickly recover reputation on a talented drama writter. Chapman writing  21 drama between 1597 & 1612 and  his output was very grea sp after Some year his work and he wrote no drama. 

Ben Jonson (1572–1637)

Ben Jonson was born in 1572 in Westminster and in London. His father was  master bricklayer and Jonson took up this trade in his time and He also spent long time as a soldier. Go to to England and marry sometime prior to 1592, his back  to England then Jonson became  actor & by 1597. He was working dramatist for the theatrical  phillipy Henslow. Jonson 1play :- Thomas Nashe in 1566. was “The Island of dogs” and this was offensive Jonson on jail for a long time, Then he wriote plays in 1598.  Then Jonson becamses a favoriteed of King  he & hid work  masques for court performance. In 1616, King James I made him poet laureate, the official poet of the Court. This position also cam 30 with an nature pension  foe his works allowing to Jonson to live out his life free. Jonson suffer a  stroke on 1628 & died on his born place on August 6,  on 1637 Jonson was arrested gor crime killing a  actor in a drama, same years ago however  Jonson also want his first dramatic success with the play Every Man in His Humour. This hid play was the first instance  new drama in that came to be known "the comedy of humour," & it turned him into a celebrited.

Christopher Marlowe :-
Christopher Marlowe was born in Canterbury on February 26, 1564. the eldest son of master shoemaker Marlowe & Katherine Arthur. Marlowe attended Cambridge University and quickly distinguished his own himself as a bgreat  student. his time at Cambridge  Marlowe became part of Queen Elizabeth's secret service & carried out several secret missions for the Crown. After receiving his degree in July 1587. he go to London.where he became an actor & dramatist for “the Lord Admiral Company. during that same time and  year. both parts of “Tamburlaine” the geeat was performed on the London stage. Marlowe into celebrity status and Marlowe lived  reck life & had several time with the law. In 1591, who was known by some to be an atheist and actor. Marlowe was also brought on question & then release . Marlowe life ending ewith he was only 29 years old. On the night scene of May 30, 1593. he was stabbed on the head & probably died instantly and the time of his death remained clear. the story on  barroom fight was later time. same scholars speculate that his death was arranged by secrets men & may have been ordered cause he was reported to be aheretic and He wasin an unmarked grave.Marlowe roommate and playwright Thomas Kyd. was imprisoned & tortur him after authorities founded heretical writing on Kyd room. Kyd perhaps while being tortur that the writing belonged to Marlowe.

William Shakespeare :-
William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564. john and Mary Shakespeare in Stratford. He was the 3 of 8 childrens.. at this time age 18. Shakespeare married already pregnant  Anne Hathaway and They would have three children. Some people is known about Shakespeare's life from 1583 to 1592.he has joined Lord Chamberlain's Man. savingas both actor &  playwright  By the end of that year and  six of his plays had already been performed In 1599. Shakespeare & other members of the Lord Chamberlain Man of  the building of the Globe Theatre and the Lord Admiral's Men continued to popular performances there and many of Shakespeare's plays don’t known many people The Lord Admiral's Men became the London company. performing at Court on 32 occasions between 1594 & 1603 and  After his ascension to the thron, James I granted the Lord Chamberlain Men a royal patent & the company name was chang to the King's Men. Shakespeare's talent a drama was widely and more famous recognized at Elizabethan time He become  of the wealthiest dramatists of his day & lived comfortable life. He retired to Stratford on 1610 & died in april 23, 1616. That he is reported to haved dieded in his birth date and which happens to beale the dated the feast of George. natron saint of Englan.has suggested to same that his time and date are fictional, In 1623 actors and drama Henry Condell & John Heminge published his plays and drama as a collection known as the first folio.
John Lyly was born in Kent, England, around 1553 or 1554 and grew up in Canterbury. He attended Magdalen College at Oxford University, earning his bachelor's degree in 1573 and his master's in 1575. He applied for a fellowship but was turned down and so left the university and moved to London where he pursued writing. Known at university as a wit, he was an immediate success with the publication of a novel in two parts, Euphanes, or the Anatomy of Wit (1579) and Euphanes and His England (1580). Through these works, Lyly introduced the euphemism, or indirect expression, to the English language. Having lost a bid for Master of the Revels in 1579, which would have elevated his standing at royal court, Lyly turned to playwriting and also served as a member of Parliament between 1580 and 1601. He married Beatrice Browne in 1583 and later that year took control of the first Blackfriars Theatre. Lyly's comedies were very popular, with eight of them being performed between 1584 and 1591 by children in children's theaters. These plays included Campaspe (1584), Endymion, the Man in the Moon(1588), and Midas (1590), and were later noteworthy for being the first prose comedies. The Woman in the Moon (1594) is his only play in verse. Lyly petitioned Queen Elizabeth I for the post of Master of the Revels again in 1589 and 1593 but did not meet with success. Thereafter, his popularity declined, and Lyly died in poverty in London in November 1606

Blank Verse:-

Blank verse is unrhymed iambic pentameter, the primary form used by Elizabethan playwrights,.although prose and many other forms of poetry are also found throughout their plays. Serious characters of high stature and nobility often speak in blank vers and especially when discussing important issues. while comic and lower class characters are less likely to do so

Conclusion :-
We see the Elizabethan age and wee see the introduction and elizaberthan and we also see the drama on Elizabethan ara. The drama at there time means Elizabethan time so we see the poets 


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