Blog On "Youth festival"

"Youth festival"

"Aeshvaryam yuva manthan"is a name of "youth festival 2018".

We have three days 26th,27th and 28th October youth festival In maharaja krushnkumarji Bhavnagar university by "Aeshvaryam yuva manthan".organized by takshila institute of science and commerce

youth festival event's:-

Kala yatra.                            One act play.
Poetry .                                  Skit.                                   
Mime.                                    Rangoli.
Mono acting.                       Cartooning.
Installation.                          Photography.
Bhajan.                                 Solo song.
Traditional group.               Orchestra.
Poster making.                   Western group song.  

Drama :

I attend drama of my department students who represent our department. The act name is "સિક્કાની ત્રીજી બાજુ". This act shows the indian rituals, patriarchy, resist against patriarchy, woman rights, third gender and his emotion. This thing makes the great act and also acted well. The protogonist of the drama is Kiran, who born in third gender that's why his grandma and father was not accept this child.
Also I like the character of Rekha(third gender) this character is show the situation emotion and people think about that type of people and give to the massage of equality.


I have seen several Mimicries by students from various colleges. There were total 13 Mimicries. Some of them are mindblowing. A true Mimicry must  includes multiple voices. How much a person was capable of copying multiple voices with different tones and moods.  The students are successful in copying the voice of animals. Some are very much repeating:-
~small baby
~celebrity, etc..


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