Analysis of six parts of tragedy

TOPIC NAME :- six parts of tragedy
PAPER NAME :- Literary Theory & Criticism
Enrolment no :-2069108420190037

  Six Parts of Tragedy

             Aristotle was born at Stagira in chat dice in 384 BC. He taught Alexander for about three years. He found a school called Lyceum. He devoted his life on teaching and lecturing to scholars on a variety of subjects. He treated his last breather in 322 BC.

The classic discussion of Greek tragedy is Aristotle's Poetics. He defines tragedyas "the imitation of an action that is serious and also as having magnitude, complete in itself." He continues, "Tragedy is a form of drama exciting the emotions of pity and fear.
The most important of his works are 1) Dialogues, 2) On Monarchy, 3)Natural History, 4) Organon, or The Instrument of correct Thinking, 5) Rhetoric, 6) Logic, 7)Educational Ethics, 8) Nicomachean Ethics, 9) Physics, 10) Meta physics, 11) Politics, 12) The Poetics. 
Six Formative Elements of Tragedy. After discuss the definition of tragedy. Aristotle give important parts of tragedy. He divided into six in parts. They are: PlotCharacterThoughtDiction, Song and Spectacle

After considering various differences parts epic and tragedy one  question  plot arises of superiority. It 'Epic' better and  or 'Tragedy' and . Aristotle favored. In 'Poetics' he discussed that question at last length. he saw it his own words, and own life and own rules ' If the and more more refined art and artist  is higher and the mor0 and better refined in every and every well case is that and this which appeals to the save  better way  and see the main character sort of audiences. The art which imitates anything and everything is manifestly most unrefined. Tragic art stands to epic in the same  and relation  relation as the younger to the older actors. So we are told the epic poetry is addressed to a  and bc 322 he love this works and work  and he love she love the chracter main character and Alexander pope and his introduction with his father and mother and we saw see the peoples. who does not want gesture and helps tragedy to an inferior public ans society so being then unrefined. it is  lower of the two and three. Tragedy like comedy plays produced its effect even without Acton and without any action ; it releveals its power by me reading. Then in all other respects tragedy is superior if this fault is not inherent in it.
(1) plot
Aristotle argues that, among the six formative elements, the plot is the most important element. He writes in The Poetics. The plot is the underlying principle of tragedy'. By plot Aristotle means the arrangement of incidents. Incidents mean action, and tragedy is an imitation of actions, both internal and external.
 Aristotle  PLOT is  abstract concept  of Aristotle which refers too "the arrangement of the incidents".and   The incidents is  the arrow materials a& make the STORY. The other  way this highlight  is structur into  whole on known as the plot. So if the original order and arrangement of arostotle the same incident is  altered a new and different plot will result.
A little in the same chapter. Aristotle asserts that "the first principle, then, and to speak figuratively, the soul of tragedy is the plot; and second in importance is character."
This is cause for Aristotle CHARACTERISATION more meant adding type characteristics to the dramatic agent: "by character that element in accordance with which we say that agents are of a certain type"
He refilm his critical level by remarking that "poets do not, therefore, create action in order to imitate character; but character is included on account of the action"
Aristotle go to describe the elements of plot, which include completeness, magnitude, unity, determinate structure, and universality. Completeness refers to the necessity of a tragedy to have lost of  middle. & end. A 'beginning' is defined as an origin, by which something naturally comes to be. An 'end,' meanwhile, follows another incident by necessity, but has nothing necessarily following it. The 'middle' follows something just as something must follow it.
'Magnitude' refers simply to length  the character and this tradition of fakir of jungheera tragedy most of a 'length which can be easily understand to raders by the memory, That say to works Aristotle believe that the longer a tragedy, the more beautiful it can be, provided it maintains its beginning, middle, and end. And in the  of  three acts, the tragedywas  present a change and middele  'from bad fortune to good, or from good fortune to bad.Unity reference  to the of all the plot of  action around a common theme or idea and works.
plot refers to the fact that the plot all come on a line by line of becausal, imitative events, soo if 1 was to move even one part of the plot, the entire tragedy shall  be dointed & disturbed.' More simply every part of a good plot is necessary.plot refers to the neck of a give character to act or speak according to how all& most peoples  would react in a given situation and  my time to the law of probability or necessity.'

The character :-
Aristotle thinks that we can take a person's pleasures and pains to be a sign of his state of character. To explain what the virtuous person's pleasures are like, Aristotle returns to the idea that virtue is an excellent state of the person The word “Character”, Home emphasises can be used in two plot(1) Dramatic personages or(2) The bent or tendency, o or and or and or r habit of mind. which shall be read only in whatis the meaning of the sentimental comedy the  dramatic plot sayand does. Character gone nn on subsidiary to the action, and the incidents and the plot is  the end of a tragedy and the end on the main thing of all. like Aristotle may meaning  of two things let see the two things  first the characters must be life like and they must be true bty plot of actual human nature and human meaning and  second them  be liked the traditional and or and or the historical personage in they are modeled and whose name the bearc .dThesr most been not suddenly and un accountable change  on characters and  on whatever the character say  an or does nit not  the demands of necessary  and probability must be satisfied

3. The Thought:     
                  Thought is third in importance and is found where something is prove to be, or a general maxim is enunciated. Aristotle say about thought,\ that  & mast and what his has to say are associat with how speeche could reveal characters, However:” “they most assumed that this category  they would  include what ythey miscall the themes of a play and so now the main part of tragic thought that is that the faculty of say what are possible & pertinent on gibe circumstances” th thought are the intellectual element in a tragedy and it is expressed through the speech of a character.

4. The Diction:  
                  Fourth and 4  among the elements enumerated comes Diction by which I mean and as has already say and the expression on the meaning on word and it is is the same both on verse and prose. So  In the modern sense and modern time it means choice of words. He meant on it used and various kinds on themes of verses fit for evoking emotions which the poet wanted to evoke so this is the 4 the diction this element help to play anf tragedy.

tragedy define tragedy is  "the imitation of an action that is serious and also as having magnitude to complete in itself. . . .  The basic difference Aristotle draw between this  tragedy and other genresof  such as comedy and the epic both are  is the tragic pleasure of pity and fear and the main the audience feel watch the tragedy and a tragedy.

5. The Spectacle: 
                The spectacle is one of  most the sources of the pleasures of tragedy. The spectacle or the spectecale the scenic and effect have more and more to do with and without with and  the spectacle stagecraft  more than with the writting of poetry and hence and play and drama so Aristotle is one of the view that the dramatist most depended in his effects on his own powers and , rather than on spectacle.the production spectacles spectacular and effect depend and depends more than one on the art of the stage and  machinist than in this of the poem, There can to or not to be be no worse eof the art of the dramatist. than the theater manager, and relince on the theatrical and the sensational has spoiled many an excellent play.

6. The Song(Melody): 
                    Song or the Lyrical element is to be found in the choric parts of a tragedy and it is the “”embellishment.”” spoken of earlier which and  which distinguishe the tragedy from the epic and the song the melody The songs and dialogue out loudder could pined the attention of the spectator on the vast greek theater on and on the choric find out and  the spectacle,.  their imagination is the more important in the play and the main plot in the tragdey sustain the illusion of reality and move them to tears and transport.

                  All these has been the discussion if Aristotle’s concept of tragedy. In every kind of representational literature plot has its own important place, characters are bound to be there though they may be of different types; it will have a definite central thought expressed in appropriate diction and technique; finally, it will have its own end or purpose in place of catharsis. Similarly, they have their own thought, way of presentation and spectacle.  


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