Methods of English Language Teaching #ELT

When we talk about teaching of language or any other think we must know that how or with which kind of method students learn.
If we talk about particular English language then we found there are several methods which help students to learn that language. Methods like,
Grammar translation method,

The direct method,

Audio lingual method,

Total physical response method,

Suggestopedia method,

Silent way of teaching.

Which method appealed you the most from the above given methods? Give Reasons.

 According to me Direct Method & Audio Lingual Method  is appropriate because when we use this methods students easily understood.

Tell something about your favorite method used by your teachers from School till PG. How is their method unique?

when i was in 10th, our English subject teacher Maheshsir, he use very simple method first he told story then he told main key points at last he ask some questions related to this story.

Tell something about the method you didn’t like from School till PG. Give Reasons.

when I was in 9th, our mathematics teachers solve one sum & he give all others sum in homework. when we have some problem & ask him at that time he shouted on us.


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