Pro. Balaji:- Reflection blog on lessons learnt from the expert lectures on Post-colonial studies

                                                             Post Colonial  Literature/Studies

In post- colonial studies we have the following unites :-

"Black Skin White Mask" by Frantz Fanon :-

This unit is divided into seven chapters:-

1)  The Negro and language
2)  The woman of color and white man
3)  The man of color and white woman
4)  The So-called dependency complex of the colonized
5)  The lived experience of the black man
6)  The Black man and psychology
7)  The Black man and Recognition

Prof. Balaji Sir gave us the main ideas about the book in following way

• Toward a new humanism
• Understanding among men
• Our colored brothers
• Mankind, I believe in you
• Race prejudice
• To understand and to love

 "Imaginary Homelands" by Salman Rushdie

We have some of easy in our syllabus :-

1) Attenborough’s Gandhi
2) Commonwealth literature Does not Exist
3) New Empire within British
4) On Palestine
 "Orientalism" by Edward Said

what is Orientalism?

In simple word Orientalism means the countries which are colonized by other colony or the countries.

This unit is divided into three chapters:-

1)  The Scope of Orientalism
2)  Orientalist structure and Restructures
3)  Orientalism Now

"A Tempest" by Aime Cesaire

Balaji Sir told us difference between Shakespeare’s The Tempest and Cesaire’s A Tempest. we can not see much difference between Shakespeare’s The Tempest & Aime Cesaire’s  A Tempest. we see master slave relationship & colonial concept.


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