Movie screening:- 'kya kehna 'in the context of 'The Scarlet letter' by Nathaniel Hawthorne

1. What are the names of the protagonists in both the works?

Ans :- In the movie the protagonist is Priya & in the novel its Hester.

2. Write their story in brief.

Ans :- In movie the character Priya take an admission in college. In College she attracted by one rich boy named Rahul. Another side we see that Ajay (childhood friend of Priya), he love Priya but can't say his feelings to Priya. Now we see that Priya and Rahul both attracted with each other and Priya gets pregnant by Rahul. now we see that at that time Rahul's family, society and his own friend not accepted her, Her family support her in every situation. at the end we see that Ajay express is feeling to Priya and in the end we see that Priya marry with Ajay not Rahul.

In novel we see that has Hester carrying her small child as protection. Hester & Chillingworth both are husband & wife. her husband not come at home for long time and all people think that her husband was dead. After all this thing she meet a person named Dimmesdale, he was a priest in town. Hester & Dimmesdale both are interested to read books. They meet daily with help with books and now both are attracted to each other. Hester gets pregnant by Dimmesdale. The society asked her to tell her child's father name but she can't say any word. The society given a punishment to wear 'A' on her clothes. Another side we see that Dimmesdale never accept is sin. But the end we see that it the husband of Hester come to the town & he knows all about Hester and Dimmesdale accept his sin.
In both story we see that how women fight against society & culture and how society treat with priya & Hester.

In movie & novel we find out many things like..
- women condition,
- women power,
- mentality of society,
- human Psychology,
- gender differences,
- power and mystery of nature,
- effect of sin & guilt,
- darker side of human mind & thoughts.

3. What is the role played by society in Hester’s & Priya's life?

Ans :- In both case we see that how society treat with Priya & Hester when she was in pregnancy. People of society see them as a sinner. Normally  any woman pregnant at that time her family members and people of society take care of her but in Hester's & Priya's case we see that society against them.

4&5 Compare and contrast the male characters, Roger Chillingworth, Arthur Dimmesdale, Rahul, and Ajay.

 The characters of this novel & film was totally different. we see clearly contrast in both, in movie as well as in novel. In novel Chillingworth was husband of Hester & Dimmesdale was lover. In movie rahul was lover but after knowing about pregnancy he ignore & leave priya, at the end film her best friend ajay decided to marries with priya,

6. Compare and contrast ‘The scaffold scene in The Scarlet Letter’ and ‘a year-end performance in Kya Kehna in which a group of students performs a play on Priya and her pregnancy’.

In both scenes we see that the mentality of society. in The scaffold scene in 'The scarlet Letter' the people was narrow minded. In 'kya kehna' film we see mentality of society, Rahul belongs to rich family means belongs to upper class family here we see the major difference in both film. in kya kehna film may be people know the priya was pregnant by Rahul but no one take any action against Rahul. in The Scarlet latter we see that people want to know that  who is the father of Hester child.

7. What are the reasons that Arthur Dimmesdale and Rahul do not come forward to accept their 
fatherhood? How do you they differ and what are the similarities?

in The Scarlet Letter film we see Dimmesdale not accept his fatherhood because he is priest in the town. he think that society never accept his relation with Hester. & in Kya Kehna film Rahul not accept his fatherhood because he is playboy in collage & he belongs to upper class family.

8. What is the role played by Chillingworth in Hester’s life? Why do you think he wanted to take revenge on Hester and Dimmesdale?

We know that Chillingworth was husband of Hester, but what he done? He goes somewhere & here Hester was alone live her life. If he was with Hester this problem can't raise. Because of loneliness she love another man & after chilled he was come for what? We know that Chillingworth wanted to take revenge with Dimmesdale, was good as Chillingworth side but not Hester side. He take wanted to take revenge as husband side only, not for any other reason.

9. What is the role played by Rahul’s mother in Priya’s life? Why do you think she wants to take revenge on Priya?

Rahul belong to high class family so his mother didn’t accept Priya & she wanted to take revenge with Priya because she believed her son isn’t doing wrong thing.

10. Write a note on class difference in Kya Kehna.

In the movie we find that Priya belongs to middle class family & Rahul belongs to upper class family so the whole issue create by Class difference, Rahul not accept Priya also Rahul's mother was not accept this relationship just because they belongs to upper class family & Priya belongs to middle class.

11. Why do you think the director has lifted the character of Ajay to the ideal state? Is it possible in real life? What are the reasons of your YES or NO?

in real life we never see character like Ajay. because this present time people say that they are free minded but it is false they more Nero minded.

12. How do you see Hester and Priya as individuals?

As individual they both are different from each other, because as time duration, was one thing. Also the narrow minded people that faced Hester but not faced Priya because time, & what think people is important. It's not about one is powerful & second not, both are powerful but problem was time.

13. Write a critical note on the end of the movie and the novel. Why do you think the novelist has not given happy ending?

we see happy ending in both Scarlet letter Hester, Dimmesdale & their child live happily & leave that village. Also in movie Rahul accept his fault but Priya now happy with Ajay rather than Rahul. So yes it's happy ending.


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