Interpretation Challenge: Breath: The Shortest Play by Samuel Beckett

video 1) Breath by Damien Hirst :
In this video we see the plastic & it's show that the people of this world destroy this world with plastic. other side we listen the sound & according to me this sound reflect the WW ll & effects of WW ll. we see the darkness at starting & ending. it's show that the hopelessness.

video 2) Breath - Samuel Beckett by Liana De Jourdan: 

In this video we see that the so many fresh Fruits, veritable & drinks according ro me this fruits, vegetables & drinks help to live healthy life but at the end, death came and eat us no one escape from death.

video 3) National Theater School First Year Technical Production Class project, production of Samuel Beckett's play Breath:

In this video we see many symbols like light, garbage, & sound of crying.
          Light = Hope,
          Garbage = meaningless things,
          Sound of crying = crying 

in real life we have so many people like garbage but we have on light(Hope). we listen sound of crying but we interpret this sound in two way, First when we enter to the earth means our birth, our birth symbolize the happiness & second sound symbolize death means hopelessness.

video 4) Samuel Beckett Breath ( Modern Interpretation )

In this video we see the Modern Era. we see the alone tree & standing alone for no reason, alone tree symbolize the meaninglessness. we see one man, listen sound & many other thing but all are unnecessary for this video, all this thing symbolize that in our life we have so many unnecessary thing.


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